CONTENT - english


1. Initiating 2. Response
3. Beginning 4. Play

chapter 3. BEGINNING - on cloud-number-nine and the many sources of the Vecht
chapter 4. PLAY #1 - on a wild mountain stream and dangerous play
chapter 4. PLAY #2 - on the same game and played differently

5. Waiting 6. Conflict
7. Multitude 8. Unity
9. Starting Small 10. Walk

chapter 9. STARTING SMALL #1 - on animated maps

11. Advance 12. Standstill
13. Like-minded 14. A Great Harvest

chapter 14. A GREAT HARVEST #1 - on an old harvest
chapter 14. A GREAT HARVEST #2 - on a new harvest
chapter 14. GREAT HOLDINGS #3 - on grabbing the moon

15. Modesty 16. Intensity

chapter 15. MODESTY #1 - on knowing and not-knowing
chapter 15. MODESTY #2 - on good luck, bad luck and successl
chapter 15. MODESTY #3 - on a disappearing pencil
chapter 16. INTENSITY #1 - on a sliding scale

17. Following 18. Decay

chapter 17. FOLLOWING - on TikTok-queuing and plant processions
chapter 18. DECAY #1 - on rubbish dumping and a mountain of sauerkraut
chapter 18. DECAY #2 - on decay and renewal
chapter 18. DECAY #3 - on mycophobia and mycophages

19. Approaching 20. Observing

chapter 20. OBSERVING #1 - on gates, views and sitting on a threshold
chapter 20. OBSERVING #2 - on a machinist's view and gentle eyes

21. Biting Through 22. Beauty
23. Shattering 24. Returning

chapter 24. RETURNING #1 - on dino-fishes, bells and chips

25. Innocence 26. Great Accumulation
27. Jaws 28. Great Exceeding

chapter 27. JAWS #1 - on jaws and shells, and spaghetti etiquette
chapter 27. JAWS #2 - when will we meat again?

29. Dark 30. Light
31. Resonance 32. Long Lasting
33. Retreat 34. Great Strength
35. Straight Ahead 36. Darkening of the Light
37. Family 38. Estrangement

chapter 37. FAMILY #1 - on tea with cookies and far journeys
chapter 37. FAMILY #2 - on a good-humoured teacher and a daily bike ride
chapter 37. FAMILY #3 - on an inner landscape
chapter 38. ESTRANGEMENT #1 - on archaeological finds

39. Obstacle 40. Liberation

chapter 39. OBSTACLES #1 - on mountain passes and a waterline
chapter 40. LIBERATION #1 - on fish ladders and long journeys

41. Decrease 42. Increase
43. Break-through 44. Encounter
45. Gathering Together 46. Growing Upward
47. Exhaustion 48. Regeneration

chapter 48. REGENERATION - on gardens of the future

49. Leaving the Old Behind 50. Embracing the New

chapter 49. LEAVING THE OLD BEHIND #1 - on moulting and the reverse bicycle
chapter 49. LEAVING THE OLD BEHIND #2 - 'religion is nowhere and everywere'

51. Action 52. Keeping Still
53. Gradually 54. Subordinate
55. Abundance 56. Guest
57. Gentle Force 58. Joy

chapter 58. MIRROR #1 - on self-awareness
chapter 58. MIRROR #2 - on face and mirror

59. Dispersion 60. Concentration

chapter 59. DISPERSION #1 - on scattered thoughts and flushing dangerous chemicals
chapter 59. DISPERSION #2 - on wild snake plants and co-evolution
chapter 60. CONCENTRATION #1 - On boiling down, how far should you go?

61. Inner Truth 62. Little Exceeding
63. Perfect 64. Back to Square One