chapter 3. BEGINNING - on cloud-number-nine and the many sources of the Vecht
chapter 4. PLAY #1 - on a wild mountain stream and dangerous play
chapter 4. PLAY #2 - on the same game and played differently
chapter 9. STARTING SMALL #1 - on animated maps
chapter 14. A GREAT HARVEST #1 - on an old harvest
chapter 14. A GREAT HARVEST #2 - on a new harvest
chapter 14. GREAT HOLDINGS #3 - on grabbing the moon
chapter 15. MODESTY #1 - on knowing and not-knowing
chapter 15. MODESTY #2 - on good luck, bad luck and successl
chapter 15. MODESTY #3 - on a disappearing pencil
chapter 16. INTENSITY #1 - on a sliding scale
chapter 17. FOLLOWING - on TikTok-queuing and plant processions
chapter 18. DECAY #1 - on rubbish dumping and a mountain of sauerkraut
chapter 18. DECAY #2 - on decay and renewal
chapter 18. DECAY #3 - on mycophobia and mycophages
chapter 20. OBSERVING #1 - on gates, views and sitting on a threshold
chapter 20. OBSERVING #2 - on a machinist's view and gentle eyes
chapter 24. RETURNING #1 - on dino-fishes, bells and chips
chapter 27. JAWS #1 - on jaws and shells, and spaghetti etiquette
chapter 27. JAWS #2 - when will we meat again?
chapter 37. FAMILY #1 - on tea with cookies and far journeys
chapter 37. FAMILY #2 - on a good-humoured teacher and a daily bike ride
chapter 37. FAMILY #3 - on an inner landscape
chapter 38. ESTRANGEMENT #1 - on archaeological finds
chapter 39. OBSTACLES #1 - on mountain passes and a waterline
chapter 40. LIBERATION #1 - on fish ladders and long journeys
chapter 48. REGENERATION - on gardens of the future
chapter 49. LEAVING THE OLD BEHIND #1 - on moulting and the reverse bicycle
chapter 49. LEAVING THE OLD BEHIND #2 - 'religion is nowhere and everywere'
chapter 58. MIRROR #1 - on self-awareness
chapter 58. MIRROR #2 - on face and mirror
chapter 59. DISPERSION #1 - on scattered thoughts and flushing dangerous chemicals
chapter 59. DISPERSION #2 - on wild snake plants and co-evolution
chapter 60. CONCENTRATION #1 - On boiling down, how far should you go?